the q's.
1. what's your favorite rainy day activity?
Sleeping most definitely!
2. what time do you go to bed?
Between 11 and 2
3. how many magazines do you subscribe to?
None! I used to but I never got around to reading them.
4. did you sell all your belongings because you thought the world was ending yesterday?
NO way. I don't buy into all of that.
5. what's your beauty obsession?
Don't have one. I'm not a girly girl. Very casual.
6. if you could only wear one designer/brand for the rest of your life...what would it be?
No idea. Is Old Navy a designer brand? lol.
7. what's your summer must have?
Tank tops and flip flops! I'm obsessed!
8. do you make weekly dinner menus?
Heck no! I'm a last minute kinda gal.
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