All in all, I can say that I had a pretty good weekend. I don't usually post about my weekends but I have some super cute pictures of Miss Priss I want to share.
Didn't do too much besides lay around and watch tv. When I looked into Miss Priss's room I saw this:
Please excuse the mess!
Later in the afternoon we went to the mall with my mother. Miss Priss about dyed over getting this, even though she already has 2 full size ones.
Well, what are Grandmas for! Anyways....
When I get paid I am so going to go back to JCP to snag some super cute pink and black nikes while they are on sale!
Sunday we had a pretty eventful and fun day. We found fun things to do without dying in the heat!
First we went to Bartlett Lanes to use our Kids Bowl free Coupons .
Here are some pictures I took:
After bowling we went to the $2.50 movies and saw Rango.

Pretty weirdo movie. 20 minutes into I was ready to go. I understand it was a kids movie but geez was it loopy! Lots of weird talking creatures. I didn't even realize Johnny Depp was the voice of Rango until I just looked up the picture! We left the movie before it ended. Miss Priss told me "Don't worry Mom, I won't make you buy that one on DVD." Ha!
Then I went to a movie with a friend late last night. We went and saw X Men First Class

I'm not usually into this type of movie, even though I have seen all of the others. I actually enjoyed it! It was neat to see how it all started... Plus their were some hunky guys to look at!

And... There's plenty of chicks, even underwear scenes, for the dudes to look at!But I'm not into all that so I'm not pinning any of them on here!
And now it's Monday, back to the daily grind!
Little Man loved Rango.
Yeah, Rango was weird!
SOunds like you had a very nice weekend!! Miss Priss is quite adorable! :)
she's a cutie! :)
just wanted to say hi :) and sending some hugs my friend!!!!
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