Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Getting to know ME

1. would you rather go on a picnic or to a bbq?
       picnic. don't care much for bbq
2. would you rather go bra-less or panty-less?
3. would you rather go on a $5000 shopping spree at your favorite store or go on a $5000 vacation?
    half and half???
4. would you rather eat escargot or sauteed crickets?
       what is escargot?
5. would you rather go on survivor or the amazing race?
       amazing race
6. would you rather be hot or cold?
7. would you rather go to the beach or lake?
8. would you rather not shave your legs for a month in the summer or your armpits?
     ewwwww nasty! I would not go without either ever!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wee bit 'bout me...

Posting this a day late due to being busy at work and power cutting out during my blogging time. 

{one} what’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
Went to the movies with a guy. He went to the bathroom and never came back...

{two} if you could be any other person for one day, who would it be?
A princess

{three} what is your favorite kind of cheese?
Just about any cheese from Grafton Cheese Company  

{four} do you remember your 1st grade teacher?
Yes. She was very strict. I fell at recess, broke my collar bone and she didn't believe me.

{five} who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
My mom of course! I call her whether I'm having a bad day or not!

{six} were you ever in a school talent show?
Hell no I don't have a lick of talent!

{seven} who is your favorite fictional character?
Totally nerdy but Bella.

{eight} can you open your eyes underwater?
No because I refuse to go swimming without my contacts.

{nine} do you look at the keyboard when you type?

{ten} when was the last time you took a nap?
Yesterday when I got off work an hour early. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tragedy Hits Again...

Last night, more dangerous and deadly tornadoes ripped through counties in Oklahoma. My thoughts and prayers to all victims and people affected.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dear Angry Customer

Please don't be rude with me. I'm sorry you have an emergency. Everyone who has called before you has one too. I wish I knew how to help, but you see I am just the person that answers the phone. Please don't give me attitude. 20 people have already beat you to it today. I'm sorry you can't get a hold of the person you need at the moment. But you see, they have tons of customers with problems just like you. I'm sure if you wait patiently your problem will be assisted shortly.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting to know ME

the q's.

1. what's your favorite rainy day activity?
Sleeping most definitely!
2. what time do you go to bed?
Between 11 and 2
3. how many magazines do you subscribe to?
None! I used to but I never got around to reading them.
4. did you sell all your belongings because you thought the world was ending yesterday?
NO way. I don't buy into all of that.
5. what's your beauty obsession?
Don't have one. I'm not a girly girl. Very casual.
6. if you could only wear one designer/brand for the rest of your life...what would it be?
No idea. Is Old Navy a designer brand? lol.
7. what's your summer must have?
Tank tops and flip flops! I'm obsessed!
8. do you make weekly dinner menus?
Heck no! I'm a last minute kinda gal.

Thoughts and prayers to Joplin, MO

While most of us were nice and warm snuggled in our beds, fast asleep, mass destruction was taking place. I personally had no idea what was going on in Joplin until I turned on the news this morning. While I sat there straightening my hair I froze and could not take my my eyes off of the tv. I can't even imagine what these pour people are going through.

Search-and-rescue teams on Monday pored through rubble and wreckage, all that was left in many areas of Joplin, where at least  89 people have died, more than 2,000 structures have been ripped apart and whole neighborhoods have been obliterated after a tornado carved a six-mile path through southwestern Missouri.

Would-be rescuers conducted door-to-door searches, avoiding downed power lines that had ignited fires fueled by leaking gas. Debris was a constant danger and a barrier keeping rescuers from searching.   source


This follows the devastating tornado in TUSCALOOSA, Ala. 

When massive tornadoes ripped through the southern United States during April 25-28, 2011 they killed over 340 people. 
These were the deadliest tornadoes in the U.S. since 1925 and the worst natural disaster since Hurricane Katrina. 

President Obama declared a state of emergency for the search and rescue response in Alabama, and Gov. Robert Bentley told WBMA he expected him to declare another one to help pay for the cleanup. Mayor Walter Maddox reported 15 dead Wednesday April 27, 2011 in Tuscaloosa, Ala., a city of approximately 180,000 flattened by an estimated mile wide tornado.
  "We have hundreds of homes and businesses destroyed and hundreds more damaged."Mayor Maddox.

I cannot even begin to imagine what these towns and people are going through.
 My deepest thoughts and prayers to all affected.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wee bit 'bout me

{one} do you watch the history channel? if so, what’s your favorite program?
Yes, I like a lot they show.

{two} what is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
Sleep or read

{three} what does your dream house look like?
Not too big, not too small. A large porch on the front where you can sit on without getting wet with the rain. No stairs, anywhere. A big bathroom with a big tub. Big closets. Lots of storage. No carpets. Big backyard. With lots of trees spread out. 

{four} what state were you born in?
Rhode Island

{five} do you have a change jar? if so, what do you use it for when it gets full?
Ha, I wish. My daughter goes through my purse and takes all of my change. After that it ends up on the floor or who knows where else.

{six} what’s the first website you look at when you get on the computer?
Blogger and Facebook

{seven} what is your favorite breakfast?
Homemade pancakes or French toast

{eight} what’s the most memorable trip you’ve ever taken?
Trip to Maine last summer with my cousins and uncles

{nine} do you prefer your coffee black or with cream/sugar?
Lots of both please!

{ten} have you ever done a professional photo shoot?
Does Olan Mills count? lol!
The words of this song touches the broken. It gives us hope and assures us that one day we may smile again, not just for the sake of smiling but because we have finally found our happiness. And those that have forsaken or hurt us may come around, but we will be strong, for " we're stronger, and we're better and we're ready for whatever." 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting to know YOU

1. have you ever gone to see a movie by yourself?
I don't think I have...

2. would you rather go through a tornado or a hurricane?
3. have you made summer vacation plans?
4. what's your favorite accessory?
Hair band count? Always have one on my wrist...
5. have you ever been thrown a surprise party?
Nope :(
6. are you friends with your neighbors?
7. what's the last movie you saw in the theater?
The Adjustment Bureau

8 what's your favorite food network show?
The Challenges

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

wee bit 'bout me link up

{one} what profession have you always admired?
For one firefighters have to face extreme danger and risk their lives for others. Police have to deal with the same but a lot of total idiots. Healthcare professions because of the involvement in sad/bad and even nasty/gross situations. All of these because they all help people and change people's lives. The world would be now where without them.

{two} what would the title of your memoir/biography be if it was written today?
"why me?"

{three} how far do you commute to work?
From Millington to Cordova, The time differs day to day due to traffic and especially increased traffic due to flood waters closing roads. It is about 29.9 miles and Google maps says aprox. 32 minutes without traffic delays. The floods in Memphis has been making my morning drive pretty close to 1 hour long. 

{four} are your earlobes attached or detached?
?? Not sure what this means?? Like at the bottom of them? They are attached to my head at the bottom....

{five} do you eat the unpopped kernels of popcorn at the bottom of the bag?
Nope. I hardly ever eat any popcorn. Guess I got used to not being able to eat it when I had braces a few years ago.

{six} what is the strangest gift you’ve ever received?
No idea

{seven} what is one tv show that you wish hadn’t been cancelled?
There's a few.

{eight} what is something that you are saving money for right now?
Ms. Pris' summer camp!

{nine} what hobby would you like to take up?

{ten} how many times a year do you get really dressed up?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lost in Wonderland

You know in the movie Alice in Wonderland how Alice is lost and feels like nothing is right? Well, that's how I feel right now. I am going through the daily motions, just here. I feel like nothing is as it should be. A couple of things have happened recently to make me feel this way.
1.) I started a new job a couple of months ago. I left a job that I had for over 5 years. It wasn't the best job but I was comfortable with my abilities to do it. It was physically strenuous and hard. I don't know how I managed to stay there for 5 years.
Now I work somewhere, where I have a lot of down time. It is still new to me especially since I have no office experience. I feel like I am trying my best but not every situation can be taught. You sometimes have to go with what you "think" is the best answer, but some people may not think the same. I feel as though I am struggling to catch my breath all the time. I am very thankful for my "new" boss to give me a chance, but sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough. The person I took over for left very high standards for me to fill. It may just be me and the way I think about it, but I am still wondering whether I am doing things the way they had been set before me. I have been here at "new job" for almost 4 months maybe and I still feel almost as if it's my first week. Maybe I'm just paranoid. Probably all in my head.

2.) I left all of my acquaintances(people I had worked with/talked to everyday for 5 years). I tried, really tried to keep in touch with the people that I worked with. The ones I "thought" were friends. Right before I left. One of these said co-workers found out she was pregnant with twins. She ASKED me if I would throw a baby shower for her. I agreed. No problem.  I considered her an actual friend. Well then I am told that another "friend" is going to be helping me. No prob. The more the merrier. Then time went on... She wanted a certain date. Ok I was fine with that. She wanted to rent a place to hold it. Ok. So I finally tracked her down and we met up to look at a place. $200 for a day. High , I thought. But whatever. I went with it. Then....Nothing. No word from anyone!! Then I was told that I was doing the game prizes and help with decorations. Then she changed the location and didn't even tell me. She sent out invitations without me knowing. Don't know who was invited. She didn't want to hear any of my suggestions. Didn't ask my opinion on anything, or tell me what she was doing or what was going on. I kept asking her "What do I need to do?" She then told me that everything was handled. I kept asking her about the decorations. She said she was going to take care of it. By this time I was completely frustrated and annoyed. She never bothered to call me or make plans with me to set anything up. I felt as if she had taken over everything, well she did. So the weekend of the shower came up. I decided that I did not feel comfortable going. This pissed the other girl off. I still bought gift bags full of goodies for prizes for the games. I made sure they were there at the shower. Then I get calls asking for money. Saying I flaked out and didn't do anything. WTF!!! I mean what was I supposed to do? Hunt them down and make them do what I wanted?? She was so intent that she had everything handled and wanted to do everything her way. The money was not the problem. I said, sure I'll help you out by reimbursing you but can I please see receipts for what was bought? She flipped out and said she didn't have it. I mean, is it wrong to ask to see what I'm paying for? Common sense, I thought. So then she turned it around on me saying I was trying to get out of paying! I didn't have to do anything!!! I don't feel as though I owed her a single penny! She bumped me out of the planning. She never informed me of any of the details. She never asked me to do anything!! Then the harassing and demanding started! It ended up that not only was this girl blowing up my phone, but her boyfriend and sister as well. I ended up having to block their numbers and cut off all ties with them for good. The threatening and name calling was totally uncalled for and inappropriate. So I feel stupid for even considering these people friends. Friends don't act this way. The whole thing was blown out of proportion and totally ridiculous! By the way, I did send them money, even though they were so ugly to me...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Linkin up with: Jamie@thiskindoflove


I'm loving that my super saweeeet co-worker brought me Starbucks coffee this mornin!


I'm lovin that my daughter's teacher sends me pictures like this:
Yep that's my kid passed out at school....And no they don't take naps in the 1st grade!

I'm loving this awesome park especially now that the rain is finally GONE!


I'm loving this woman: My Mom who is my rock and always there for me even if I act like a spoiled brat! lol....

I'm loving that my daughter is getting smarter and smarter every day

I'm loving the sun after so many days of rain and news of flooding


I'm loving that it's Wednesday and the week is half over. Annnnnnnd all of the bosses are out of the office for the rest of the week!

So what are YOU loving this fine day??

Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama, Say What?

Now I lay me down to sleep...
one less terrorist this world does keep...
with all my heart I give my thanks...
to those in uniform regardless of rank...
you serve our country and serve it well...
with humble hearts your stories tell..
.so as I rest my weary eyes...
while freedom rings our flag still flies..
.you give your all, do what you must...
with God we live and God we trust....